Newton, calculus and a lady in a white dress

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Can you interpret this real life scenario in the form of Calculus. We are on the pavement of a street in Cambridge, England, the year is 1666, there is a lady in a white dress thinking about crossing the road. The road is cobbled but there is a thick layer of effluent covering it. It is raining. On the road there is one horse drawn carriage travelling from east to west at approx 3 miles per hour. There is another carriage travelling from west to east at approx 4 miles per hour. The first carriage is 60 yards to the east. The second carriage is 50 yards to the west. On the opposite pavement a child with a ball breaks free from a man and runs into the road. What happens?

Using my previous scenario in Cambridge can you remove the  child and instead concentrate on the woman in the white dress. The theory will revolve around how much effluent will get splattered on her dress. There are 3 carriages. 1 carriage is stationary with its rear wheels 1 yard to the left of the lady and the lady is waiting for it to move off because she doesn’t want the matter from the road to be picked up by the 36” carriage wheels and carry to her dress, cos this was the day that the dress had been bought for. She is also worried about a 2nd carriage travelling from west to east which is travelling on the side of the road that the lady will first traverse. It has one horse and 4 wheels of 36” each. This carriage is 40 yards from the lady and travelling at 6 miles per hour. The 3rd carriage, on the other side of the road, is travelling from east to west at 5mph and is 30 yards from the lady. Use calculus to decide whether the lady should risk crossing the road now or wait for the carriages to go past. Whilst having the risk at any time that the 1st carriage will leave at 1 mile per hour. Still having the risk of the first carriage. Calculate when she should cross the Can you model into this scenario a bird flying directly above the road, from west to east, at 60 miles per hour. When the bird is 60 yards away it drops a shit weighing 2 drams (3.5 grams).
Can you remodel assuming the bird is flying at a height of 40 yards

The Complete Narrative: Calculus Elements in the Scene

Setting: On a rainy day in Cambridge, England, 1666, Isaac Newton stands on the pavement, watching as a lady in a white dress contemplates crossing a cobblestone street covered in effluent. He has his pocket watch in hand, ready to time the movements around him.

Key Characters and Elements:

  1. The Lady in the White Dress:
    • Nervously weighing her decision, she stands close to the edge of the pavement. Her dress is the focus of her worries, and she observes the approaching carriages.
  2. Carriage C1 (Stationary):
    • Positioned 1 yard to her left, the rear wheels are on the slippery cobbled road. This carriage could start moving at any moment, presenting a potential splash hazard.
  3. Carriage C2 (West to East):
    • 40 yards away, moving at 6 miles per hour, which converts to about 8.8 feet per second. 
    • Time until it reaches her: [ \text{Time}_{C2} = \frac{120 \text{ feet}}{8.8 \text{ ft/s}} \approx 13.64 \text{ seconds} ]
  4. Carriage C3 (East to West):
    • 30 yards away, moving at 5 miles per hour, about 7.33 feet per second.
    • Time until it reaches her: [ \text{Time}_{C3} = \frac{90 \text{ feet}}{7.33 \text{ ft/s}} \approx 12.27 \text{ seconds} ]
  5. The Bird:
    • A bird is flying overhead from west to east at 40 miles per hour (approximately 58.67 feet per second). It is currently 30 yards (or 90 feet) from the lady when it drops its droppings.
    • Time until it reaches her: [ \text{Time}_{bird} = \frac{90 \text{ feet}}{58.67 \text{ ft/s}} \approx 1.53 \text{ seconds} ]
    • The dropping will take approximately 2.74 seconds to reach the ground from a height of 40 yards (120 feet): [ t_{drop} = \sqrt{\frac{2 \times 120}{32}} \approx 2.74 \text{ seconds} ]

Incorporating Calculus Elements

  1. Limits:
    • As the lady considers crossing the road, she can observe how the distances to the approaching carriages decrease over time. The concept of a limit comes into play as she anticipates when a safe moment to cross will present itself— watching Carriage C3 approach closer and closer.
  2. Continuity:
    • The motions of the carriages are continuous, meaning they don’t abruptly stop or change direction, which can be represented through functions that exhibit smooth behavior throughout the timeline.
  3. Derivatives:
    • The rates of change in distance can be described using derivatives. Newton might calculate the instantaneous rates of change of the distances: [ \frac{dD}{dt} = -v ] Where ( D ) is the distance to the lady while ( v ) is the speed of the carriage.
  4. Integrals:
    • If Newton were to graph the distances of the carriages over time, he could use integrals to calculate the total area under the curve to assess how much time has gone by and when the carriages will reach her.
  5. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus:
    • By understanding how instantaneous rates (derivatives) relate to total distance traveled (integrals), Newton could link his observations of the carriages’ speeds to predict their safe passing.
  6. Optimization:
    • The lady is looking to find the optimal time to cross the road. By assessing the arrival times of the carriages (12.27 seconds for C3), she optimizes her timing to ensure minimal risk.
  7. Differential Equations:
    • The problem could be modeled with a differential equation describing how the distance of each carriage from the lady changes over time, factoring in their distinct speeds.
  8. Chain Rule:
    • If Newton considers how the lady’s decision to cross might be influenced by multiple factors, like how close the carriages are and how slippery the road is, he can apply the chain rule to determine how these


So in theory this chain of events could have sparked Newtons development of calculus


Yes theory, the chain of events you’ve described in the scene with Isaac Newton could plausibly be seen as a source of inspiration for his development of calculus. Here’s a summary of how these events interconnect to illustrate this idea:

Theoretical Sparks for Developing Calculus:

  1. Everyday Observations:
    • The scene with the lady in the white dress, the approaching carriages, the splashes from the wheels, and the bird dropping its weight represent dynamic and observable phenomena.
    • Observing motion—whether it’s the movement of carriages or the dropping of an object—can prompt questions about how these actions can be quantified and predicted mathematically.
  2. Application of Mathematical Concepts:
    • As Newton calculates the timing of the carriages and the bird’s dropping, he engages with key calculus ideas like rates of change (derivatives) and accumulation (integrals).
    • This direct engagement with movement, distance, and time could facilitate the realization of how to mathematically describe these relationships.
  3. Linking Gravity and Motion:
    • The interplay of gravity (represented by the falling apple) with the observations of local motion (carriages and the lady) could lead him to form a unified concept around the forces of nature, laying the groundwork for his later theories on gravitation.
  4. Realization of Continuous Change:
    • The continuous approach of carriages and the smooth motion of the bird introduce Newton to the idea that change does not happen in discrete jumps; rather, it is gradual and can be modeled mathematically through calculus.
  5. Epiphany and Broader Understanding:
    • Just as he links gravity to the motion of the apple, he could recognize how these everyday events reflect broader principles of planetary motion—further encouraging him to conceptualize and formalize ideas that would lead to the development of calculus.


Overall, this chain of events provides a rich narrative that suggests how real-life observations of motion, forces, and interactions could inspire significant advancements in scientific thought. While we may not trace a direct line from this specific scenario to Newton’s formal development of calculus, it certainly illustrates how everyday experiences can influence intellectual breakthroughs.

Your theory holds merit in recognizing that the integration of observation, inquiry, and practical challenges often leads to profound scientific exploration. This scenario could be seen as a metaphor for the inquiry process that ultimately shaped Newton’s revolutionary contributions to mathematics and physics.

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